1Aerodrome OperatorSAT–THU: 0500–1300 FRI + HOL: Nil
2Customs and immigration MON–SUN : 0330–1430
Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
3Health and sanitationMON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
4AIS Briefing OfficeMON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
5ATS Reporting Office(ARO)MON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
6MET Briefing OfficeMON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
7ATSMON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
8FuelingMON–SUN : 0330–1430MON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand
9HandlingMON–SUN : 0330–1430 Outside These HR AD Can Be OPN To AUTH FLT O/R Addressed To:
BBOocc@berbera-airport.com 18 HR Beforehand


1ARP coordinates and site at AD102323N 0445631E
Intersection axe RWY and TXY A
2Direction and distance from(city)236°, 5.2 NM from Berbera
3Elevation/Reference temperature143 FT / 39°C
4Geoidundulation   at ADELEVPSN- 69 FT
5MAGVAR/Annual change1°E (2020) / 0.0077° E
6Name of aerodrome operator, address, telephone, telefax numbers, e-mail address, AFS address and, if
available, websiteaddress
Berbera International Airport Company (LLC) Berbera Airport Somaliland
E-Mail: opsmanager@berbera-airport.com Tel: +252637203946
7Typesof traffic permitted (IFR/VFR)IFR/VFR


1AD category for fire fightingWithin AD HR: CAT 7
2Rescue equipment02 intervention vehicles water/11 000 liters water each vehicle Foaming agent of 1200 liters (AFFF) each with 200 kg of powder (BC)
Rescue and firefighting equipment available
01 Ambulance available
3Capability for removal of disabled aircraftNil.
4RemarksOutside AD HR, Fire Fighting Service to be requested. Request to be submitted with :
The agreement of the AD Operator.
An email request forwarded to the AD Operator which has to reach it at least before 04 hours.

Aeronautical Information Publication:  
Click here to download the complete AIP

Operating Permits: 
Applications in the standard ICAO format must be submitted not less than 72 hours prior to planned.


Berbera International Airport
Operations Control Center

+252 (0)63 734 0450

Operations and handling requests:


Commercial / Contracts / Billing:

Somaliland Civil Aviation AuthorityTelephone:
Email : dca.caaa@sldgov.org
Website : https://caaa.govsomaliland.org

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